About the Journal

 e-ISSN xxxx-xxxx
 Chief Editor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
 Issue April, October

The Ulu al-Ilm Journal (UAIJ) is a biannual referred Journal which is deliberately established with an attempt of providing the academic platform for civilizational exchanges among intellectuals across ethnical backgrounds and religious affiliation. It is published by Ahmad Dahlan International Institute for Advance Study of Islamic Thought and Civilization which is attached to Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia (UMAM). All contributors have to discuss different issues preferably with the use of tawhidic epistemological approaches. It also accommodates the intellectual views and domain to offer alternative solution faced by all humanity. We invite intellectuals, scholars, academics and researchers across disciplinary studies to share their views, intellectual visions, theoretical and conceptual framework of sciences and argumentations for sole purpose of integrating between intellectual vision and textual revelation.